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Asbestos Abatement 


Many older buildings, typically prior to 1980, have some type of building material that contains asbestos. Most asbestos-containing materials are safe as long as they are not distributed and remain in good condition. However, oftentimes renovation or demolition activities in older buildings will cause an asbestos-containing material to become damaged and release airborne asbestos fibers which could be harmful to building occupants and workers. To prevent asbestos exposure, there are environmental regulations that require the building or a portion of a building to be inspected for asbestos in order to identify all asbestos-containing materials. These asbestos materials can then either be removed or managed in place.


BDS Environmental has State of Michigan Asbestos Inspectors on staff who can inspect an entire building or only the area of the building that is being renovated.



Mold Remediation 

Mold growth in houses is primarily caused by flooding or improper ventilation. The most common areas to find mold in Michigan house is in a finished basement, crawlspace or attic space. There are numerous varieties of molds. People can become sick or allergic to some or all types of molds. If you know or suspect that there is a mold problem within your house, then surface and/or air sampling can be performed and a prescription or work plan be developed to eliminate the mold hazard.

BDS does not perform mold sampling but does perform mold removal.

Be wary of companies that perform sampling and develop recommendations and also perform the removal.


Before taking on any renovation or demolition project, consult with us about building decommissioning. We handle and dispose all unwanted materials with utmost care.

Lead Paint Abatement
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